10 Inspiring Thoughts from Confucius That Still Apply Today

Confucius, Chinese philosopher, ethics, morality, education, perseverance, preparation, success, knowledge, humility, relationships, reputation

Confucius, a Chinese philosopher, teacher, and politician who lived over 2,500 years ago, left behind a legacy that continues to influence Chinese culture and beyond.

He was known for his emphasis on ethics, morality, and social order, and his teachings offer valuable insights into human behavior and social order.

Here are Top 10 Facts about him:

Confucius, Chinese philosopher, ethics, morality, education, perseverance, preparation, success, knowledge, humility, relationships, reputation
  • He was born in 551 BCE in the state of Lu, in present-day Qufu, China.
  • His given name was Kong Qiu, and he is also known as Kongzi or Master Kong.
  • He was a philosopher, politician, and teacher, and his teachings focused on morality, ethics, and social relationships.
  • He travelled extensively throughout China, seeking employment as an advisor to rulers and spreading his teachings.
  • He believed in the importance of education and the pursuit of knowledge.
  • His teachings were compiled into a book called the Analects, which is considered one of the most influential works in Chinese history.
  • He emphasized the importance of filial piety, or respect for one’s parents and ancestors.
  • He believed that social harmony could be achieved through the practice of rituals and the cultivation of personal virtue.
  • His teachings were later developed into a system of thought known as Confucianism, which became a dominant ideology in China for centuries.
  • He died in 479 BCE, but his ideas continue to influence Chinese culture and society to this day.

Below, we’ll explore 10 inspiring thoughts from Confucius that still resonate today.

10 Inspiring Quotes from Confucius

Confucius, Chinese philosopher, ethics, morality, education, perseverance, preparation, success, knowledge, humility, relationships, reputation
  1. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”
    • This quote highlights the importance of perseverance and persistence in achieving one’s goals.
    • Whether it’s a personal or professional endeavor, one must keep moving forward, even if progress is slow.
  2. “Choose a job/career you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”
    • This quote emphasizes the importance of finding fulfillment in one’s work.
    • Pursuing something we’re passionate about can make it enjoyable instead of feeling like a chore.
  3. “Education breeds confidence. Confidence breeds hope. Hope breeds peace.”
    • This quote speaks to the transformative power of education.
    • Education provides us with knowledge and helps us develop the confidence to pursue our goals and aspirations.
    • With confidence comes hope, and with hope comes peace.
  4. Success depends upon previous preparation, and without such preparation, there is sure to be failure.”
    • This quote highlights the importance of preparation and planning in achieving success.
    • Without proper preparation, the chances of failure increase significantly.
    • Success requires careful planning and execution.
  5. “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.”
    • This quote emphasizes the importance of taking small steps towards achieving a larger goal.
    • By breaking it down into smaller, more manageable pieces, we can make progress towards our ultimate objective.
  6. Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.”
    • This quote reminds us that true wisdom comes from recognizing our own limitations and the areas where we lack knowledge.
    • Only by acknowledging what we don’t know can we strive to learn and grow.
  7. “Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart.”
    • This quote speaks to the importance of being fully present and invested in everything we do.
    • Whether it’s a personal or professional endeavor, we should always approach it with enthusiasm and dedication.
  8. “Silence is a true friend who never betrays.”
    • This quote highlights the value of silence and the importance of taking time for reflection.
    • In a world that often values noise and constant stimulation, it’s essential to take moments of quiet to process our thoughts and emotions.
  9. “It does not matter how tall you are, but how well you stand tall.”
    • This quote reminds us that physical stature is not as important as our inner strength and character.
    • It’s not about how we look but rather how we carry ourselves and the values we embody.
  10. “It does not matter how rich you are, just how well you are known.”
    • This quote emphasizes the importance of building a good reputation and cultivating meaningful relationships.
    • Wealth and material possessions are not as valuable as the relationships we form and the legacy we leave behind.

In this intriguing video below, Professor Bryan W. Van Norden delves deep into the life and teachings of one of the most renowned philosophers in the world – Confucius.
Despite his name being widely recognized, very few people truly understand who he was and what he stood for.
Through this animated lesson, Van Norden aims to uncover the mystery behind Confucius, his beliefs, and the profound impact they have had on the world. Join us as we explore the life and times of this enigmatic figure.

Who was Confucius? By Ted-Ed

In conclusion, he was a Chinese philosopher, teacher, and politician who lived over 2,500 years ago.

His teachings have had a profound impact on Chinese culture and beyond, and his wisdom has stood the test of time.

From the importance of perseverance to the value of humility, Confucius’ insights into human behavior and social order remain relevant today.

NOTE: Please remember that while Confucius' teachings may offer valuable insights into human behavior and social order, it is important to approach them critically and with an awareness of their limitations and shortcomings. This post oversimplifies Confucius' teachings by reducing them to catchy quotes that can easily be shared on social media. While these quotes may be inspiring, they do not capture the full scope of Confucius' philosophy, which was rooted in a complex system of ethics, rituals, and social hierarchies.

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