We all have the ability to think creatively and come up with new ideas, but as we get older, we often put up barriers that stifle our innate inventiveness. This can lead us to make poor decisions and create unnecessary difficulties for ourselves.

According to Dr. Kathleen Riley, “The biggest roadblock to our creative process is fear. But it’s an intangible fear, hidden deep within us. Our creativity is driven by insatiable curiosity; however, fear and all its baggage, is toxic to that process, depleting us physically, mentally and emotionally.”

“Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected.” – William Plomer

Here are 7 Techniques for overcoming Mental Blocks and keeping an Open Flow of ideas

creativity, roadblocks, painting, room, paint-24439.jpg

1. Don’t Jump to Conclusions

It’s in our propensity to jump to conclusions, but doing so can lead to miscommunication and bad choices. We run the risk of forming judgements based on faulty premises whenever we rush to judgement. This kind of shallow thinking can lead to confrontations, problems, and unnecessary tension.

It’s better to wait until all the facts are in before making any decisions than to make hasty judgements based on incomplete information. For this reason, we must collect all significant information, think about the issue from several angles, and be willing to reconsider our initial beliefs. We may make better, more well-considered decisions based on a thorough examination of the evidence if we refrain from hasty judgements.

2. Consider different perspectives

Being able to see things from other people’s points of view is an important part of having an open mind. Understanding that others may have a different and equally valid perspective on a given subject requires us to look beyond our own experiences and biases. One way to better grasp an issue or challenge and develop fresh and effective solutions is to take into account viewpoints that differ from one’s own.

Keep in mind that no one individual has exclusive access to the truth, and that we may all benefit from hearing the perspectives of others. Acceptance of alternative points of view is a key ingredient in creating a climate that is welcoming, diverse, and conducive to new ideas.

3. Avoid erratic thinking

When we allow our sentiments and emotions to cloud our judgement and decision-making, we are engaging in false thinking. This can cause a person to act in a way that is neither sensible or well-considered. Keeping an objective perspective and mastery over our emotions are prerequisites for avoiding irrational thought processes.

This requires distancing oneself emotionally from a situation in order to assess it rationally, rather than reacting emotionally. In order to make better decisions based on a clear and fair evaluation of the facts, we need to curb our tendency toward irrational thought patterns. Through this, we may better see our options and go forward with more confidence and assurance in challenging situations.

4. Eliminate sloppy thinking

In order to rid oneself of sloppy thinking, one must actively work to overcome the impulse to resort to shortcuts or rely on habit when faced with a decision or difficulty. To do so, we must force ourselves to engage in rigorous, in-depth thought about issues and possibilities, and we must take the time to give careful consideration to all the aspects that matter.

Sloppy thinking hinders our ability to solve problems and meet challenges in novel and effective ways. When we eliminate it, we have a clearer picture of the situation and can act accordingly. This necessitates a dedication to lifelong education and a curiosity for exploring new concepts and methods. We can better prepare ourselves to deal with the complexities of today’s world if we eliminate careless thinking.

5. Think like a child

Children have an inherent capacity towards curiosity and creativity, and they view the world without preconceived notions or limitations. Our ability to think creatively and ingeniously declines with age because we become more rigid in our thinking and less receptive to fresh information. In order to adopt a childlike perspective, we must rediscover our inner feeling of curiosity and wonder.

This necessitates putting aside our biases and judgements in favour of an open mind. Thinking like a child can help us develop a flexible and resourceful perspective that will serve us well in responding to the opportunities and difficulties of the twenty-first century.

6. Encourage creativity in others

Encouraging creativity in others includes building an environment that is receptive to new ideas and supports innovation. This necessitates a disposition that welcomes alternative points of view and actively promotes questioning the status quo. The best way to inspire others to think beyond the box is to give them a forum for voicing their thoughts and collaborating with like-minded others.

To achieve this goal, it may be necessary to establish a culture of constant growth and development, or to provide funding for study and experimentation. It’s also crucial to provide them constructive criticism and praise for their innovative ideas and efforts. By promoting creativity in others, we may promote an environment that is more innovative and more suited to adapt and thrive in an ever-changing world.

7. Play

The ability to experiment with innovative techniques and perspectives in a risk-free setting is a key element of creative and innovative thinking, which is why play is so crucial to these processes. When we play, we relax our guard and open ourselves up to new experiences and ideas. As a result, we may be more able to think beyond the box and develop novel approaches to resolving issues.

We can foster an atmosphere more receptive to new ideas and innovation by promoting play and experimentation. That could mean giving individuals permission to take risks and try new things, or it could mean giving them the means and space to do so on their own time. Bringing more play into our work and problem-solving allows us to tap into our innate creativity, leading to better results.

Roadblocks, writer’s block, painter’s block, it can be called whatever. It has many names, but in the end, it seems that there has been a lid momentarily put on your creativity, but that doesn’t mean you can stop creating!

The world we live in is complex and always evolving, therefore we need to be creative and innovative to survive. It’s crucial to foster a mind that is open and curious, one that is eager to accept innovation and challenge the status quo, in order to reach our maximum potential and create fresh and innovative answers to challenges.

Techniques for achieving this goal include thinking like a child, encouraging others’ creativity, integrating fun into our work and problem-solving processes, and avoiding making hasty judgements. Adopting these methods and developing a more flexible and imaginative perspective will allow us to tap into our full creative potential and develop more insightful and practical responses to the difficulties we encounter.

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